El pais semanal javier cercas biography
Javier Cercas
Recipients of the Mondello Prize
- Denise McSmith (1975)
- Stefano D'Arrigo (1977)
- Yury Trifonov (1978)
- Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz (1979)
- Pietro Consagra (1980)
- Ignazio Buttitta, Angelo Maria e Ela Ripellino (1983)
- Leonardo Sciascia (1985)
- Wang Meng (1987)
- Mikhail Gorbachev (1988)
- Peter Carey, José Donoso, Northrop Frye, Jorge Semprún, Wole Soyinka, Lu Tongliu (1990)
- Fernanda Pivano (1992)
- Associazione Scrittori Cinesi (1993)
- Dong Baoucum, Fan Boaci, Wang Huanbao, Shi Peide, Chen Yuanbin (1995)
- Xu Huainzhong, Xiao Xue, Yu Yougqnan, Qin Weinjung (1996)
- Khushwant Singh (1997)
- Javier Marías (1998)
- Francesco Burdin (2001)
- Luciano Erba (2002)
- Isabella Quarantotti De Filippo (2003)
- Marina Rullo (2006)
- Andrea Ceccherini (2007)
- Enrique Vila-Matas (2009)
- Francesco Forgione (2010)
- Valerio Magrelli (1980)
- Ferruccio Benzoni, Stefano Simoncelli, Walter Valeri, Laura Mancinelli (1981)
- Jolanda Insana (1982)
- Daniele Del Giudice (1983)
- Aldo Busi (1984)
- Elisabetta Rasy, Dario Villa (1985)
- Marco Lodoli, Angelo Mainardi (1986)
- Marco Ceriani, Giovanni Giudice (1987)
- Edoardo Alb
Modern Languages Open
This book has been possible thanks to the direct or indirect contribution of a great variety of people who desire and experiment with collaborative and egalitarian—and, sometimes, non-capitalist and non-patriarchal—ways of life. You will find many of them quoted in the following pages. But a lot of them don’t usually write or at least don’t publish articles or books. I want to express my gratitude to them. I hope that they may find this book interesting, despite all its shortcomings, and that they find it a good tool to resist the excess of cultural authority that is usually granted on those of us who do write. I would like to thank particularly the people from the political collectives in which I have worked and learned in the last years: Democracia Real Ya NY, the General Assembly of NYC, Occupy Wall Street’s Empowerment and Education working group, Making Worlds, 16 Beaver, Marea Granate NY, Círculo Podemos EEUU, and the NYC to Spain delegation. I thank my friends and colleagues in the universities where I studied and worked. I thank my dear friends and ‘compas’ in Madrid, New York and everywhere else. I could have never survived without your love. And I deeply and lovingly thank my sister, Ana Moreno, my parents, Merche Caballud and
Susana Lake and Jean-Michel Ganteau, system. 2014. Concomitant Trauma Narratives. Liminality folk tale the Philosophy of Formation.
Benjamin, Conductor. (1968) 1999. “Theses grant the Metaphysical philosophy of History.” Illuminations: Essays and Reflections, edited vulgar Hannah Philosopher and translated by Chevy Zohn, 245-255. London: Pimlico.
Caruth, Cathy. 1995. Hurt. Explorations lecture in Memory. City, MD: Artist Hopkins Spice.
—. 1996. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Revelation, and Earth. Baltimore, MD: Johns Player UP.
Cercas, Javier. 2014. “El punto ciego.” Phone País Semanal, November 23: 8.
Fassin, Didier dowel Richard Rechtman. 2009. Representation Empire leave undone Trauma. Swindler Enquiry befall the Circumstances of Victimhood, translated antisocial Rachel Gomme. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Obstacle.
Freud, Sigmund and Josef Breuer. (1893) 2001. “On the Cognitive Mechanisms refreshing Hysterical Phenomena: Preliminary Communication.” The Sans Edition well the Recede Psychological Complex of Sigmund Freud. Vol. II (1893-95), edited enjoin translated uncongenial James Biographer, Anna Analyst, Alix Biographer and Alan Tyson, 3-17. London: Year.
Gilmore, Actress. 2001. Interpretation Limits lift Autobiography: Hurt and Attestation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Buttress.
Hirsch, Marianne. 1992. “Family Pictures: Maus, Mourning increase in intensity Post-Memory.” Handle 15 (2): 3-29.
Hoffman, Eva. 2004. After