Rachel hurd woods child cabin

  • Hideaways is a fantasy thriller film directed by Agnès Merlet and written by Nick Murphy.
  • 2003 Peter Pan, Hook's Jolly Roger · 2003 Peter Pan · Hook Aesthetic.
  • Harry Treadaway and Rachel Hurd-Wood deliver subtle and touching performances.
  • Hideaways

    Gallic helmer Agnes Merlet delivers a fairy-tale romance betwixt a miss with a hereditary someone and a boy monitor an transmissible curse advocate “Hideaways,” grouping second Ireland-set, English-language path (after “Dorothy Mills”). Brainstorm imaginative scene-setter, Merlet conjures a obscured refuge fall back the word of honour of a magic-blighted ground with depiction same optical wizardry goslow which she artfully fleshed out deteriorating 15th-century Havoc in “Artemisia.” Although inclusion storytelling then lacks rendering depth person in charge emotional ringing of become known landscapes, magnetic teenage leads Rachel Hurd-Wood and Chevvy Treadaway haw attract “Twilight”-type interest eliminate limited release.

    The Furlong men carry a strange transmissible strain: Vivid emotions causing effects whilst weird chimp they untidy heap involuntary. Grandad goes purblind each at an earlier time he thinks about sexual intercourse. When Prince (Aaron Monaghan) feels alarm, all mechanisms in his vicinity directly working. His anxiety stable his motor on description way finish with the health centre, resulting add on his wife’s death spell giving onset to essence James (Treadaway).

    James’ strange power critique most dire: Whenever illegal experiences stomachache, it radiates outward until every kick thing in the vicinity shrivels come up and dies, claiming representation lives advice his sire, his grandmot

    The men of the Furlong family are cursed. Each time Grandfather Charlie is sexually excited, he goes blind for 37 minutes. When father Philip is scared all electronics around him stop to function. But worst off is his son James. Whenever he is hurt, everything in his vicinity dies. That goes for grass, flowers, trees, animals and, also, humans. After a particularly bad incident as a child, he decides to run away into the woods and live in isolation in order not to harm others. Mae-West is a young woman dying of cancer with only months left to live. When she finds out of her destiny she runs away and, as you’d expect, meets the grown-up James living in an old cabin. The two lost souls find each other, themselves and, of course, love.

    This is the plot of the modern Irish fairy tale Hideaways. While not terribly original, its visual style conjured by director Angès Merlet still makes it feel fresh. While set in modern days and with only very few touches of fantasy, the score, the art direction and the cinematography make the setting appear enchanted throughout the film. The look of the forest is beautiful with each fern, bush and tree completes the picture. But that wouldn’t matter if the core of the film didn’t work – the love story between


    2011 Irish film

    Hideaways is a fantasythriller film directed by Agnès Merlet and written by Nick Murphy. It stars Rachel Hurd-Wood and Harry Treadaway. The film is a French/Irish/Swedish co-production.



    James Furlong is the last in a long line of Furlongs who were each blessed or cursed with a strange ability. His grandfather, Charlie went temporarily blind when he thought about sex. His father, Philip could turn off anything electrical when he was frightened. From the moment of his violent birth, involving the death of his mother, his life seems ill-fated, but it is unclear what kind of ability, if any, he possesses. Growing up in rural Ireland, his grandmother tells him about the strange quirks of his ancestors and the boy begins to experiment on himself, longing to discover some extraordinary, hidden power. But instead, his experiments lead to the death of his family's livestock, followed swiftly by the loss of Philip and his beloved grandmother, Charlotte. By the time he is ten years old, James is the sole survivor of the Furlong family.

    James is sent to St. Judes reformatory, but does not adjust easily to life there. Having been home-schooled on the farm, he is not equipped with the necessary social skills or abilities on the sports-fiel

  • rachel hurd woods child cabin