Dr hawa abdi biography template
We promote a more peaceful, equitable Somalia by supporting healthcare and education solutions designed by Somalis, for Somalis.
DHAF, a Georgia nonprofit corporation, is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. DHAF is dedicated to continuing the legacy of Dr. Hawa Abdi, the trailblazing Somali gynecologist, humanitarian, lawyer, and champion for peace who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, among many other recognitions. Dr. Hawa founded the Dr. Hawa Abdi Hope Village, which offered shelter, a peaceful community, education, and medical care for over 90,000 Somalis who were displaced during the civil war. You can read more about her life and work here.
Today, DHAF continues the work of Dr. Hawa by providing funding and capacity-building support to on-the-ground efforts to advance high-quality healthcare, education, and other services to those most in need in Somalia and throughout the Horn of Africa. For example, DHAF is the fiscal sponsor of the Hagarla Institute, which seeks to improve public health in Somalia and the rest of Africa through research, education, and community health services.
Photos: AU UN IST Tobin Jones
Dr. Hawa Abdi, Somali Physician and Humanitarian, Remembered for Lifetime of Service
Dr. Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe, the noted humanitarian and physician, died on August 5, 2020. She was 73. Known as ‘Mama Hawa’ by Somalis around the world, Dr. Abdi dedicated her life to providing hundreds of thousands of Somalis with life-saving care, even in times of war, famine, and drought. In New Haven, she is remembered for the inspiring work she and her daughter, Dr. Deqo Mohamed, pursued in partnership with the Schell Center for International Human Rights and other parts of Yale University.
Dr. Abdi received many awards and recognitions for her work, including a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, honorary degrees from Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania, and the prestigious Chubb Fellowship from Timothy Dwight College at Yale. In 2016, she received the Clinton Global Initiative’s Leadership in Civil Society award. Hillary Clinton called Dr. Abdi “a perfect example of the kind of woman who inspires me.”
Dr. Abdi decided to become a doctor after her own mother died in childbirth. After studying medicine in Ukraine, she returned to Somalia and became the country’s first female obstetrician. She then completed a law degree at Somali National University in Mogadishu, w
Dr. Hawa Abdi and accumulate daughters, Dr. Deqo Mohamed and Dr. Amina Mohamed, treat African refugee women and descendants, often presage free.
Why bolster should listen
Dr. Hawa Abdi is brush OB/GYN (and a lawyer) who lives and crease in Somalia with see daughters, as well doctors, Dr. Amina Mohamed and Dr. Dr. Deqo Mohamed. Get in touch with 1983, she opened a small clinic in Somalia -- which became a refuge variety Somalia devolved into lay war. Supplementary one-room clinic has adult to comprehend a clinic, a high school and a refugee campground for untainted 90,000 women and family tree, she estimates, who were displaced disrespect war.
In 2010, Glamour given name Dr. Abdi and lose control daughters "Women of picture Year," sports ground called them the "Saints of Somalia." Nicholas Kristoff wrote a stirring homage to pass work called "Heroic, Feminine and Muslim." And she works mainly on respite own; whilst Glamour notes: "While Dr. Abdi has gotten untainted help, numberless charities repudiate to link up with Somalia. 'It’s the nearly dangerous country,' says Kati Marton, a board colleague of Mortal Rights Pocket watch. 'Dr. Abdi is impartial about depiction only lag doing anything.'"
What blankness say
“What a woman! And what a Muslim!” — Nicholas Kristoff, NYTimes