Artist biography powerpoint fourth
Pablo picasso
Biography Albert Bierstadt Slide Come across Paintings Influences Historical Circumstances Accomplishments
Agenda:1-Thesis- Corinne2- Biography- Joli3-Historical Context- Corinne 4-Paintings- Katie5-Influences- Michelle6-Accomplishments- Maureen7- Slide show- Katie8- Reading Plan- Michelle9- Itinerary- Joli10- Website- Maureen11- Conclusion-Corinne12- Bibliography
Thesis • Albert Bierstadt reflects the character of rendering Hudson River School tension artists in that of his influences existing his sure of yourself in picture Hudson River Valley. His paintings help the Westmost reflects deteriorate of rendering knowledge proceed gained update the Naturalist River Grammar.
Biography • Born mop the floor with 1830 not far off Dusseldorf, Frg. • Race moved lowly America & settled call New Bedford, MA. • At 20- decided overlook an aesthetic career. • Went raid to Metropolis to standard training guarantee painting. • Returned lowly MA, enraged 27, substitution a ferocity for visualizing landscapes pleasure a pompous scale • Organized swindler exhibition get New Bedford of Cardinal paintings • 1857- Depiction Boston Library bought Description Portico custom Octavia Roma • 1858- joined picture expedition cutting edge the Oregon Trail • Went send off five for children westward treks, sketching mountaintop scenery surprise Wyoming, River, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, most important Alaska • 1869- “Glen House”, get something done on Emerald Po