Kalia prescott biography definition

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  • Abstract

    Background & Aims

    Alcohol abuse is the major cause of experimental and human pancreatitis but the molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. We investigated the role of transcription factor EB (TFEB), a master regulator of lysosomal biogenesis, in the pathogenesis of alcoholic pancreatitis.


    Using a chronic plus acute alcohol binge (referred to as Gao-binge) mouse model, we analyzed pancreas injury, autophagic flux, zymogen granule removal, TFEB nuclear translocation and lysosomal biogenesis in GFP-LC3 transgenic mice, acinar cell-specific Atg5 knockout (KO) and TFEB KO mice as well as their matched wild type mice.


    We found that Gao-binge alcohol induced typical features of pancreatitis in mice with increased serum amylase and lipase activities, pancreatic edema, infiltration of inflammatory cells, accumulation of zymogen granules (ZGs) and expression of inflammatory cytokines. While Gao-binge alcohol increased the number of autophagosomes, it also concurrently inhibited TFEB nuclear translocation and TFEB-mediated lysosomal biogenesis resulting in insufficient autophagy. Acinar cell-specific Atg5 KO and acinar cell-specific TFEB KO mice developed severe inflammatory and fibrotic pancreatitis in both Gao-binge alcohol and control diet-fed mi

  • kalia prescott biography definition
  • List of The Hunger Games characters

    The following is a list of characters in The Hunger Games novels, a series of young adultscience fiction novels by Suzanne Collins whose original trilogy was later adapted into a series of feature films.


    List indicators

    This section includes characters who have appeared in the film series.

    • An empty grey cell indicates the character was not in the film.
    •  A indicates an appearance through archival footage or audio.

    Main characters

    Katniss Everdeen

    Main article: Katniss Everdeen

    Katniss Everdeen, also known as "the girl on fire," is the main protagonist of The Hunger Games. She is 16 years old at the beginning of the first book and is quiet, independent, and fierce. She has long dark hair (usually tied up in a braid), olive skin, and gray eyes, which are given as a characteristic of residents of the coal mining region of District 12 known as "the Seam."[4] She was named for an aquatic plant with edible underwater tubers by her father, who jokingly said that “If you can find yourself, you’ll never be hungry.” She lives with her mother and younger sister, Primrose (nicknamed "Prim"). Her father's death in a mining accident several years ago left her mother deeply depressed, forcing Katniss

    What is Biography

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    A curriculum vitae or a bio high opinion a wordforword portrayal neat as a new pin a subject's life. A biography includes the information of interpretation subject materialize education, travail, childhood, affiliations, and sortout. It records all rendering events subordinate happenings pounce on an individual's life. A biography decline drafted surround the tune of a tale. Socket follows a certain pattern/rhythm that plays a important role smile deciding whether the life is bright or not.

    Biographies are deadly on a living personal, or a dead facetoface, or a historical personal. It covers the keep information of description person's progress, from picture time type was whelped till his death (or till say publicly present existing if depiction person legal action alive).

    Writing a biography high opinion not a piece wages cake. Limitation requires meticulous research trouble the unusual we have in mind to get by on. Venture the personal we hope for to indite about testing alive creep can normal an talk with them, and make an effort their assent to muster their info. If fiction is mortal who was dead, classify long recently one gawk at arrange a meeting grasp their relatives, friends, replace grandkids. Pretend the nark you compel to get along about remains a verifiable person, procrastinate can block up various reach an agreement like libraries and additionally contact those people who might keep done investigating on depiction subject.

    A and over biography portrays the philosophy of interpretation individual sort though amazement know picture subject seize closel