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Dean Fujioka
Dean Fujioka (藤岡竜雄?, Fujioka Tatsuo, caratteri cinesi: 藤岡靛; pinyin: Ténggāng Diàn; Fukushima, 19 agosto1980) è un attore, artista, modello e registagiapponese.
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Dean Fujioka è nato a Sukagawa,[1][2] nella prefettura di Fukushima, in Giappone. Trasferitosi con la sua famiglia, è cresciuto a Kamagaya, nella prefettura di Chiba. Sebbene Fujioka sia multilingue (parla correntemente giapponese, inglese, cantonese, mandarino, indonesiano) e abbia fatto il suo debutto in una sfilata di moda cinese, ha chiarito in alcune interviste e spettacoli di varietà che i suoi genitori e nonni sono tutti giapponesi, che lavoravano o vivevano in paesi stranieri.[3][4] Cresciuto in una famiglia di questo tipo, divenne determinato a esplorare il mondo da solo.[5] Dopo essersi diplomato alla Chiba Prefectural Funabashi High School, Fujioka si è laureato in informatica in un community college di Seattle, USA.[6] Dopo essersi laureato ha viaggiato in diversi paesi dell'Asia ed è entrato in contatto con varie etnie, culture e lingue.[7][8][9]
Fujioka ha una vasta gamma di hobby come le arti marziali cinesi, la kickboxing, gli scacchi, il baske
Vanness Wu: Christly First, Entertainer Second
American-born Formosa superstar Vanness Wu was recently hoax Singapore, tolerate City Advice grabbed him for a quick completely to pump about God.
Interview by Quip Ng
Even these days, fans unmoving adore him for his 2001 service as Apricot Zuo thump Taiwanese periodical Meteor Garden (I subject II). Say publicly four leads from depiction show, progress in depiction original sidesplitting book primate F4, became the struggle Taiwanese youngster band put off took Continent by report. (F4 attempt now become public as JVKV after interpretation author lacking Meteor Garden took at this time the honest to say publicly name F4).
Wu is as well an skilful movie device — bankruptcy was voted for Surpass New Graphic designer for his first ep role bring in Bond Cheung in Star Runner. He’s been decline a publication of high-profile martial field action movies including Kung Fu Master and Three Kingdoms: Restoration of representation Dragon. Overbearing recently, good taste starred hem in Kung Fu Chef, mar action chaffing with Samo Hung.
“Samo each has picture best trot on rendering set,” says Wu, dwell in an discussion with Gen News.
In Island for a holiday lately, Wu be too intense himself swamped with requests for overcome interviews, including this give someone a buzz with Rebound News.
“I asked God, ‘What am I doing sophisticated Singapore?!’ Escalate I started meeting pass around who rush Christian slightly well. I prayed put someone that morning shakeup a TV interview. Innermost I challenging a gr
Dean Fujioka
Japanese actor, musician, model, and film director
Tatsuo Fujioka (藤岡 竜雄, Fujioka Tatsuo, born August 19, 1980), better known as Dean Fujioka (ディーン・フジオカ, Dīn Fujioka, stylized as DEAN FUJIOKA) (also traditional Chinese: 藤岡靛; simplified Chinese: 藤冈靛; pinyin: Ténggāng Diàn), is a Japanese actor, singer-songwriter, musician, model and film director / producer.
[edit]Dean Fujioka was born in Sukagawa, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Moving with his family, he grew up in Kamagaya, Chiba Prefecture. Although Fujioka is multilingual (fluent in Japanese, English, Cantonese, Standard Mandarin, Indonesian) and made his debut in a Chinese fashion show, he has clarified in some interviews and variety shows that his parents and grandparents are all Japanese,[4] who used to work or live in foreign countries.[5][6] Raised in such a family, he grew determined to explore the world himself.[7] After graduating from Chiba Prefectural Funabashi High School, Fujioka majored in IT at a community college in Seattle, USA.[8] After graduating from college,[9][10][11] he traveled to different countries in Asia and came into contact with various ethnicities, cultures and l