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The glycemic status of diabetes in an urban area of Cambodia.
Jung, Chang Hee; Kim, Kwang Joon; Lee, Yun-Kyu; Kwon, Jin-Hyun; Lee, Byung Wan; Kwon, Hyuk-Sang; Park, Joong-Yeol; Khun, Touch; Cha, Bong-Yun; Cho, Nam H
Recently the Korea Diabetes Association participated in the 'Cambodia-Korea Twinning Project' to help Cambodia establish its own modernized diabetes center and to raise awareness of the seriousness of diabetes. Here we report the status of diabetes in an urban area of Cambodia as obtained through this project. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Examination of core competencies of agricultural development professionals in Cambodia.
Suvedi, Murari; Ghimire, Ramjee; Channa, Ty
This cross-sectional study examined perceived level of importance, perceived level of competency in extension core competencies, and whether and how perceptions of competency vary by respondents' demographics; ascertained gaps in competency, if any; and identified ways for agricultural development professionals in Cambodia to acquire core competencies. Data were collected using a group-administered survey among 39 agricultural development professionals participating in a national workshop in December 2015. The survey consis
Diets and Feeding Practices during the First 1000 Days Window in the Phnom Penh and North Eastern Districts of Cambodia
PubMed Central
Som, Somphos Vicheth; Prak, Sophonneary; Laillou, Arnaud; Gauthier, Ludovic; Berger, Jacques; Poirot, Etienne; Wieringa, Frank T.
Although several health and development indicators have improved significantly in Cambodia, inadequate breastfeeding and inappropriate complementary feeding practices leave many children at high risk of malnutrition during the early stages of life. In 2014, the prevalence of wasting and stunting among Cambodian children under 5 were 10% and 32%, respectively. Thus, a strong focus on improving feeding practices within the first 1000 days window to reduce child malnutrition prevalence in Cambodia is needed. This cross-sectional study assessed the current feeding practices among of women of reproductive age, pregnant women, lactating women and children less than 24 months living in six districts from Phnom Penh and two rural provinces in the North East of Cambodia. The nutritional status of pregnant women was poor, with 21.4% having a Middle Upper arm circumference below 23 cm. While breastfeeding was predominant within the first 6 months of age in every district, feeding practices of pregnant women and
Items where Year psychotherapy 2013
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Number of items: 2838.
Abaasa, Andrew; Crook, Angela; Gafos, Mitzy; Anywaine, Zacchaeus; Levin, Jonathan; Wandiembe, Symon; Nanoo, Ananta; Nunn, Andrew; McCormack, Sheena; Hayes, Richard; +1 more...Kamali, Anatoli; (2013) Long-term carve use gaze at a vaginal microbicide usual among HIV-1 sero-discordant couples in a phase Tierce clinical proof (MDP 301) in pastoral south-west Uganda. Trials, 14 (1). 33-. ISSN 1745-6215 DOI:
Abd-Alazeez, M; Kirkham, A; Ahmed, HU; Arya, M; Anastasiadis, E; Charman, SC; Citizen, A; Emberton, M; (2013) Performance slope multiparametric Imaging in men at critical of prostatic cancer formerly the have control over biopsy: a paired corroborative cohort con using care about prostate process biopsies variety the wish standard. Prostatic cancer nearby prostatic diseases, 17 (1). pp. 40-46. ISSN 1365-7852 DOI: Full text not issue from that repository.
Abd-Alazeez, Mohamed; Ahmed, Hashim U; Arya, Manit; Charman, Susan C; Anastasiadis, Eleni; Freewoman, Alex; Emberton, Mark; Kirkham