Yann faucon biography of alberta

  • The province maintains Deerfoot from my reading and looks like I'll have to eat this one, I more so wanted to let Everyone know to be careful.
  • And Faucon, A. 1988.
  • Mammary biopsies were obtained on days −24 and −9 relative to parturition and Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome Arrays were used to quantify gene expression.
  • Abstract

    Cows exposed to short day photoperiod (SD, 8L:16D) during the 60-day nonlactating period prior to parturition produce more milk in their subsequent lactation compared with cows exposed to long day photoperiod (LD, 16L:8D). Although this response is well established in dairy cows, the underlying mechanisms are not understood. We hypothesized that differential gene expression in cows exposed to SD or LD photoperiods during the dry period could be used to identify the functional basis for the subsequent increase in milk production during lactation. Pregnant, multiparous cows were maintained on an SD or LD photoperiod for 60 days prior to parturition. Mammary biopsies were obtained on days −24 and −9 relative to parturition and Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome Arrays were used to quantify gene expression. Sixty-four genes were differentially expressed (P ≤ 0.05 and fold-change ≥ |1.5|) between SD and LD treatments. Many of these genes were associated with cell growth and proliferation, or immune function. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis predicted upstream regulators to include TNF, TGF-β1, interferon-γ, and several interleukins. In addition, expression of 125 genes was significantly different between day −24 and day −9; those genes were associated with milk compone

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  • yann faucon biography of alberta
  • The Mite Family Chaetodactylidae

    • Composition of Chaetodactylidae

    • Catalogue of Chaetodactylidae

    • Distribution of Chaetodactylidae

    • Hosts of Chaetodactylidae

    • Bibliography of Chaetodactylidae

  • The Mite Family Hyadesiidae

    • Composition of Hyadesiidae

    • Catalogue of Hyadesiidae

    • Distribution of Hyadesiidae

    • Bibliography of Hyadesiidae

  • The Mite Family Algophagidae Fain

    • Composition of Algophagidae

    • Catalogue of Algophagidae

    • Distribution of Algophagidae

    • Hosts of Algophagidae

    • Bibliography of Algophagidae

  • The Mite Family Hemisarcoptidae

    • Composition of Hemisarcoptidae

    • Catalogue of Hemisarcoptidae

    • Distribution of Hemisarcoptidae

    • Hosts of Hemisarcoptidae

    • Bibliography of Hemisarcoptidae

  • The Mite Family Carpoglyphidae

    • Composition of Carpoglyphidae

    • Catalogue of Carpoglyphidae

    • Distribution of Carpoglyphidae

    • Hosts of Carpoglyphidae

    • Bibliography of Carpoglyphidae

  • The Mite Family Winterschmidtiidae (Saproglyphidae)

    • Composition of Winterschmidtiidae

    • Catalogue of Winterschmidtiidae

    • Distribution of Winterschmidtiidae

    • Hosts of Winterschmidtiidae

    • Bibliography of Winterschmidtiidae