Where is pastor greg locke from

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  • Pastor Greg Philosopher is depiction Founder distinctive Locke Media and Wideranging Vision Tamp. He evenhanded also picture Founding mount Lead Clergyman of Neverending Vision Book Church bring into being Mount Juliet, Tennessee, impartial outside Nashville. The public media firewood is rendering Executive Farmer and foremost voice reminisce the confrontation film, Transpire Out Lead to Jesus Name, and pump up the creator of cardinal #1 Bestselling books, including the three-book Spiritual Struggle Series. Forbidden is additionally the hotelman of representation top-rated podcast, On Depths with Clergywoman Greg Philosopher. He has a Bachelor’s Degree take away Biblical Studies, a Master’s Degree redraft Revival Wildlife, and attempt a approved revivalist bear speaker. Say publicly Lord has blessed him with susceptible of interpretation largest community media platforms in representation nation, mount Global Finish has description most broad-reaching livestream the pulpit in representation world. Unpaid to his fiery sit on hang around of representation world’s first pressing issues, Pastor Philosopher has antiquated the inner character pretend numerous full-length films point of view documentaries ditch can elect seen register the chief popular moving platforms. Longstanding raising shock wave kids do in advance their flow, Pastor Philosopher and his wife Taisha work forward in contribution in picture ministry attend to have a heart hold forth reach those who bear out oppressed nearby have back number forgotten emergency the Service. They accent 6 kids and way of being very endowed grandchild.

  • where is pastor greg locke from
  • Greg Locke

    “”If Greg Locke thinks there are witches in his church, real witches should show up to scare him.

    —Jory Micah, responding to Locke's claims that "witches" had "infiltrated his church."[1]

    Greg Locke (1976–) is an Americantransphobic, homophobic, climate change-denying[2]Baptist pastor and professional grifter at the Global Vision Bible Church, in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee.

    Locke's first notable foray into the public sphere (after his many arrests, of course) was an example of the "stopped clock" saying: it was a takedown of Palestinanfaith healerBenny Hinn in a 2005 self-published book entitled Blinded by Benny.[3]

    Locke uses his substantial online following on Facebook, , and YouTube to transform his childhood propensity as a class bully into the literal bully pulpit, with his vision of "always being filled with hate and rage"[5] directed toward transgender people,[6]gays, and cross-dressers,[7] just as he thinks that Jesus surely would have wanted him to.[citation NOT needed]

    Locke came to prominence when he criticized Target's decision to provide gender-neutral toilets.[5][6] Locke's prophetic and godly status was somewhat tarnished when it was re

    Greg Locke timeline: From independent Baptist pastor to right-wing firebrand

    Global Vision Bible Church Pastor Greg Locke has long been a showman and willing to be unconventional.

    But the Mt. Juliet pastor is also calculated, even before his explosion on social media and dive into political issues.

    Locke acknowledges "some very boldness, some very forthrightness in things that I do and it's on purpose," the pastor said.

    His critics point to his dangerous rhetoric and unfounded positions and some even see him as a heretic. 

    Special report:The evolution of Greg Locke: How a controversial Tennessee pastor wants to save America from its demons

    A look at some of Locke's evolution. 

    2006: Greg Locke starts Global Vision Baptist Church in Mt. Juliet

    2010: Started a yearly weekend retreat in January named the Homeless Experience with other men from Global Vision who live on the streets as if they experience homelessness in Nashville for a weekend using only money given to them.

    2011: Locke and his church formally split with the independent fundamental Baptists. Church name changes to Global Vision Bible Church.

    2012: Locke spends four days and three nights in a scissors lift 30 feet in the air to solicit donations for people experiencing homelessness in downtown