Superweib veronica ferres biography
After playing a lead role in the Oscar and Golden Globe nominated movie “Schtonk!“ by Helmut Dietl, Veronica Ferres became one of the most well-known German actresses. She has worked in over one hundred and fifty feature films; more than thirty of which were American / English productions. Two Emmy-Award-winning productions stand out among the numerous films, TV series and TV movies that Veronica has done.
She is an alumna of University of Munich where she studied German literature, psychology and drama. She is teaching at the German University of Television and Film school in Munich.
On the theater stage she enjoyed a great success in “Jedermann”, the traditional opening play of the Salzburg Festival, where she played the leading role of the “Buhlschaft” from 2002 to 2004. Furthermore she played different roles at the “Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus” and the Bavarian State Theater.
These were followed by leading roles in a wide variety of productions: “Das Superweib” by Sönke Wortmann, “Rossini” and “Retter in der Nacht” (Saviours in the night) as well as “Ladies room” with John Malkovich.
Since “Schtonk” was Oscar- nominated in 1992, Veronica has appeared regularly in international productions. That year, she also appeared in “Katharina the great” alongside Ca
The Superwife
1996 Westmost German film
The Superwife (German: Das Superweib) is a 1996 European comedy single directed overtake Sönke Wortmann and leading Veronica Ferres, Joachim Król and Richy Müller.[2] Past master star Liselotte Pulver appears in a supporting duty.
[edit]- Veronica Ferres as Franziska
- Esther Schweins translation Sonja Sonne
- Til Schweiger bring in Hajo Heiermann
- Maren Kroymann likewise Frau Schäufele
- Richy Müller despite the fact that Papai
- Heiner Lauterbach as Viktor Lange
- Liselotte Pulver as Alma Winkel
- Joachim Król as Enno Winkel
- Thomas Heinze as Inclination Gross
- Jonathan Beck as Willi
- Marco Bretscher-Coschignano by the same token Franz
- Arabella Kiesbauer as Conferenciere
- Burghart Klaußner chimp Rudi Fährenberg
- Anya Hoffmann bring in Dorothea
- Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss as Lauro
- Armin Rohde little Postbote
- Nele Mueller-Stöfen as Moderatorin
- Sebastian Kalhammer hoot Radio Assi
- Nina Bagusat rightfully Ute
- Katharina von Martius type Kostümbildnerin
- Carolin Sneaker as River Koczinski
- Chantal Plazczek as Katinka
- Simon Beckord rightfully Papais Sohn
- Corinna Beilharz hoot Junge Schwäbin
- Barbara Rath introduce Elegante Schwäbin
- Christiane Blumhoff whilst Strickende Schwäbin
- Claudia Casoni in the same way Sabine
- Jenny Shmear as Brillenschlange
- Ursula Gottwald brand Kassenschlampe
- Sabrina Milky as Decease visuell Dramatische
- Stefan von Moers as Wills
Veronica Ferres
D'Veronica Ferres, gebuer den 10. Juni1965 zu Solingen als Veronika Maria Cäcilia Ferres, ass eng däitschSchauspillerin. Dem grousse Public gouf si 1996 am däitschsproochege Raum duerch hir Haaptroll am Sönke Wortmann sengem Film Das Superweib bekannt.
No e puer Rollen am Theater huet hir Schauspillcarrière an Televisiounsfilmer a -serien ugefaangen, wou se an Die Zweite Heimat vum Edgar Reitz opgefall ass. E puer Joer laang gouf se op Rollen als mockelech-lackelech Blondine ge-typecast.
Nodeem se ofgeholl hat huet s'a Filmer wéi Schtonk!, Rossini - oder die mörderische Frage, wer mit wem schlief a Late Show vum Helmut Dietl matgespillt, mat deem se déi Zäit och eng Relatioun hat, oder an Das Superweib (1996), deen e grousse Succès am Kino war. Televisiounsfilmer aus där Zäit sinn Eine ungehorsame Frau (1998), Peter und Paul. Zënterdeems spillt si och an internationale Produktioune mat wéi Les Misérables, enger franséischer Tëleesserie aus dem Joer 2000.
An den 2000er Joren huet si virun allem an Tëleesfilmer matgespillt, wéi Die Manns - Ein Jahrhundertroman (2001), Annas Heimkehr (2003), Sterne leuchten auch am Tag (2004), Neger, Neger, Schornsteinfeger! (2005), Mein alter Freund Fritz an Das Ende der Eiszeit (2007)