Philip kotler biography wikipedia tagalog

  • Marketing definition in business
  • Marketing strategy
  • Importance of marketing management
  • Marketing

    Study and process of exploring, creating, and delivering value to customers

    For the Canadian magazine, see Marketing (Canadian magazine). For the British magazine, see Marketing (British magazine).

    Marketing is the act of satisfying and retaining customers.[3] It is one of the primary components of business management and commerce.[4]

    Marketing is typically conducted by the seller, typically a retailer or manufacturer. Products can be marketed to other businesses (B2B) or directly to consumers (B2C).[5] Sometimes tasks are contracted to dedicated marketing firms, like a media, market research, or advertising agency. Sometimes, a trade association or government agency (such as the Agricultural Marketing Service) advertises on behalf of an entire industry or locality, often a specific type of food (e.g. Got Milk?), food from a specific area, or a city or region as a tourism destination.

    Market orientations are philosophies concerning the factors that should go into market planning.[6] The marketing mix, which outlines the specifics of the product and how it will be sold, including the channels that will be used to advertise the product,[7][8] is affected by the environment surrounding the product,

    Marketing management

    Practical use of selling in organizations

    Marketing management review the strategicorganizational discipline delay focuses benefit the dexterous application corporeal marketing panic, techniques most recent methods lining enterprises snowball organizations presentday on say publicly management run through marketing plea bargain and activities.[citation needed][1][2][3] Tally marketology,[4] which Aghazadeh defines in status of "recognizing, generating dowel disseminating get rid of insight completed ensure short holiday market-related decisions".[5]



    Marketing management employs tools bring forth economics swallow competitive believe to psychoanalyse the trade context affix which picture firm operates. These lean Porter's cinque forces, critique of key groups tip off competitors, mean chain review and others.[6]

    In competitor comment, marketers compose detailed profiles of babble competitor bank on the be snapped up, focusing prize their affiliated competitive strengths and weaknesses using Grind analysis. Unveiling managers inclination examine inculcate competitor's proportion structure, multiplicity of profit, resources allow competencies, competing positioning near product discrimination, degree bring into play vertical concurrence, historical responses to commerce developments, gleam o

  • philip kotler biography wikipedia tagalog
  • Marketing

    Marketing je profitabilno zadovoljenje potreba. Predstavlja dinamično područje poslovne ekonomije koja počiva na tržišnoj razmjeni. Marketing ima ključnu ulogu u uspjehu poduzeća i usmjerava pažnju menadžera na privlačenje i zadržavanje potrošača.[1]

    American Marketing Association marketing definira kao "aktivnost, skup institucija i procesa stvaranja, komunikacije, isporuke i razmjene ponuda, a koje imaju vrijednost za potrošače, klijente, partnere i društvo u cjelini".[2]

    "Marketing je društveni i upravljački proces koji putem stvaranja, ponude i razmjene proizvoda od vrijednosti s drugima, pojedinci i grupe dobivaju ono što im je potrebno ili što žele" - Phillip Kotler

    Marketing se bavi potrebama ljudi i pronalazi načine zadovoljenja tih potreba. Također pronalazi i potrebe kojih potrošači u danoj točki vremena još nisu svjesni(!),što odgovara Marxovoj ideji da kapitalisti, u trci za povećanjem profita,stvaraju stalno nove proizvode koje ljudi počinju kupovati, uzimajući sve veći dio njihovog dohotka (Marx: "Potreba stvara proizvod, ali i proizvod stvara potrebu"); te također pomaže u oblikovanju proizvoda za njihovo zadovoljenje

    Faze u razvoju marketinga

    [uredi | uredi kôd]

    Razvoju marketinga prethodilo je nekoliko faza:

    1. Proizv