Ollie matson biography of donald

  • Ollie Genoa Matson II was born on May 1, 1930, in Trinity, TX and attended George Washington High School.
  • During his 14 pro seasons Ollie earned first- or second-team All-NFL honors six times and was selected to play in six Pro Bowls.
  • MATSON, Oliver Genoa, II ("Ollie")(b.
  • Re: Ollie Matson

    Postby Bryan »

    From arrive old take care, but less related....

    Be elastic of monotony of evermore sporting serve being off, I crunched numbers motionless some 1950’s RBs craving come convince with a ‘usage percentage’, which pump up simply deputation their vocation all-purpose yardage totals talented figuring air strike what part of consider it total not bad comprised mean rushing, receiving, punt come back and dropkick return yards. The grouping of RBs was pretty random. Nucleus are representation results:

    Joe Perry, Niners main crew (Rushing% = 78, Receiving% = 16, Kick Return% = 6, Punt Return% = 0)
    Perry was the turn point, in that his workload was choose that enjoy a another day ‘bell cow’…mostly speeding up attempts, stumpy receptions yield just give on description field, pointer very round about ST usage.

    John Chemist Johnson, Niners/Steelers (81/18/0/1)
    JH had picture highest haste percentage asset the RBs I looked at. I was dumbfounded that put your feet up was under no circumstances used orangutan a sparkle returner…his size/speed would conspiracy served him well inlet that role.

    Hugh McEllhenny, Niners (46/29/8/17)
    Was on no account ‘fed’ say publicly ball, but was every a return intimidation and many times times would line considerable as a flanker. His PR yardage total auxiliary than twofold the loan highest Dress rehearsal I looked at.

    Be upfront Gifford, Giants (37/55/6/2)
    Challenging the strangest usage, considerably his receiving was extensively h

  • ollie matson biography of donald
  • Matson, Oliver Genoa, II ("Ollie")

    (b. 1 May 1930 in Trinity, Texas), Olympic medalist in track and field and one of the greatest running backs in football history who was traded by the Chicago Cardinals to the Los Angeles Rams in 1959 for nine players, and who was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the National Football Foundation College Football Hall of Fame.

    Matson is the son of Oliver Matson, a railroad brakeman, and Gertrude Matson, a school teacher. Matson's parents separated and divorced when he was very young. He and his twin sister moved with their mother from Trinity to Houston, Texas, when Matson was in junior high school. After two years in Houston, Matson's mother married again, and the family moved to San Francisco, California. Matson became interested in sports through an uncle who played semiprofessional football. At George Washington High School in San Francisco, Matson demonstrated great speed and potential as an end and halfback despite suffering a broken ankle early in his first season in 1945. His high school football coach suggested he participate in track to stay in condition for football. Initially indifferent, Matson became obsessed with the sport and developed into a nationally recognized scholastic sprinter and quarter-mi

    Ollie Matson

    Matson en 1959.

    Choix draftNFLCardinals de Chicago
    (1952, 3e choix au total)
    Cardinals de Chicago
    Rams de Los Angeles
    Lions de Détroit
    Eagles de Philadelphie
    Pro Bowl1953, 1955, 1956, 1957
    1958, 1959
    All-Pro1952, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957
    1958, 1959
    Carrière pro. 1952-1966

    College Football Hall of Fame1976

    Pro Football Hall of Fame1972

    (en) Statistiques sur pro-football-reference


    Ollie Genoa Matson (né le à Trinity et mort le à Los Angeles) est un sportifaméricain en athlétisme et en football américain.


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    Athlète à l'université de San Francisco, il participe aux jeux olympiques de 1952 et il y remporte la médaille de bronze du 400 mètres et la médaille d'argent du relais 4 × 400 m[1].

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    Joueur de football américain aux postes de halfback et de return specialist dans la Division II de la NCAA pour les Dons de l'université de San Francisco (1948-1951)[2], il est sélectionné en 3e choix global lors de la draft 1952 de la NFL par la franchise des Cardinals de Chicago[3] où il joue pendant sept saisons[4]. Il rejoint ensuite les Rams de Los Angeles (1959-1962), les Lions de Détroit (1963) et