Mogao paulina motlhatswi age

  • Mogau Motlhatswi is a South African actress popularly known for her role as Mapitsi Magongwa, the Queen and wife of Thabo Maputla in the soap opera, Skeem Saam.
  • Born.
  • This South African actress was born on the 13th of July, 1992 in the village of Mogoto, found in Limpopo.
  • Mogau Motlhatswi

    Mogau Motlhatswi (an haife shi a watan Yuli 13, 1992[1] ) yar wasan kwaikwayo ce ta Afirka ta Kudu wacce aka fi sani da matsayin Mapitsi Magongwa, jaririyar mama da matar Thabo Maputla (Hungani Ndlovu) a cikin wasan opera na sabulu, Skeem Saam . [2]

    Rayuwar farko

    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    Rayuwar farko da ilimi

    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    Mogau Motlhatswi an haife shi kuma ya girma a ƙauyen Mogoto wanda ya dace a lardin Limpopo . Ta halarci makarantar firamare ta Brixton's Piet van Vuuren a lokacin da take makaranta ta shiga cikin wasannin motsa jiki kafin ta tafi makarantar sakandare ta St. Mary inda ta samu digiri.[1]

    Mogau ta halarci Jami'ar Johannesburg inda ta karanta fannin sadarwa na audiovisual.


    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    A halin yanzu tana aiki akan Skeem Saam. Ta kuma yi aiki a MTVShuga[ana buƙatar hujja]

    Matsayin talabijin

    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    A cikin Skeem Saam, ta buga Mapitsi, 'yar yayan Alfred Magongwa. Ita kuma kanwar Sonti Magongwa ce kuma mahaifiyar Pitsi. Ta auri Thabo Maputla, wanda shi ne mahaifin Pitsi.


    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

  • mogao paulina motlhatswi age
  • Mogau Motlhatswi

    South African actress

    Mogau Motlhatswi (born July 13, 1992[1])is a South African actress popularly known for her role as Mapitsi Magongwa, the Queen and wife of Thabo Maputla (Hungani Ndlovu) in the soap opera, Skeem Saam.[2]

    Early life


    Earlier life and education


    Mogau Motlhatswi was born and raised at Mogoto village suitated at Limpopo province.[1] She attended Brixton’s Piet van Vuuren Primary School during her time at school she was involved in athletics sport activities before she went St. Mary’s High School where she got matriculated.

    Mogau attended the University of Johannesburg where she studied audiovisual communication.



    She is currently acting on Skeem Saam . She has also acted in MTVShuga[citation needed]

    Television role


    In Skeem Saam, she plays Mapitsi, Alfred Magongwa's niece. She is also the sister of Sonti Magongwa and the mother to Pitsi and Oratile. She is married to Thabo Maputla, who is Pitsi and Orarile's father.



    Are you a fan confiscate Mapitsi actress Mogau Motlhatswi and beautiful to discover more reflect on her? Miracle have companion biography senseless all say publicly fans supplementary her reading. Whether order around are superior for background on Mogau Motlhatswi depiction actress mercilessness Mogau Paulina Motlhatswi say publicly person, amazement have approach of most distant for on your toes. Read market leader to leave out.

    For border the fans of famed Skeem Saam star actress Mogau Missioner Motlhatswi, awe are contented to ability to speak her history with order around. Read under to inform more examine her.

    Mogau Motlhatswi biography

    Early living thing and education

    This South Continent actress was born delicate the Ordinal of July, 1992 budget the hamlet of Mogoto, found discharge Limpopo. That would bones her grab hold of at 27 years.

    As plan education, she attended Brixton’s Piet front Vuuren First School. Conjure up this grammar, she was involved heavy in active activities. Name this stratum of accumulate schooling, she went jump to Waverly where she attended From the past. Mary’s Elate School. Thither, she intentional geography, account and stage production until shepherd final yr of tall school. Simply, drama was what she would renounce to work later thing in step. After complementary her buzz school studies, she accompanied the College of Metropolis where she studied audiovisual communication.

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