Lucile polk carter biography sample

  • First Class Passenger.
  • Lucile Polk was born in Baltimore on 8 October, 1875, the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Stewart Polk, representatives of 'a very old Southern family' which.
  • Lucile Polk Carter and her husband were both thirty-six when they sailed aboard the Titanic.
  • Last Night on the Titanic: The Trend Setters


    Many Titanic passengers were known for setting the styles. In this episode we will profile the two Luciles: famed fashionistas Lady Lucy Duff-Gordon and Lucile Polk Carter. We will also look at John Jacob Astor IV, perhaps the world’s richest man at the time. He founded hotels that were ground-breaking in their day and continue to set trends long after the eponymous founder’s death.



    Lucile Polk Carter

    She was a descendant of President Polk.

    The Hobble Skirt: Just months before she sailed on the Titanic, newspapers reported that Lucile had “created excitement in Philadelphia and New York with her daring costumes and her reckless four-in-hand driving. Not many months ago she startled Philadelphia by appearing in the lobby of one of the hotels wearing about the tightest silk costume that had been seen in the Quaker City since the hobble skirt became popular.” The hobble skirt was one of the tightest-fitting skirts around the ankle—and one of the shortest fads ever: it was popular from about 1908 to 1912.

    The Edwardian fashion trend was even blamed as the cause of several deaths. One eighteen-year-old girl drowned when she fell over the railing of an Erie Canal bridge. And two year

    Passengers of rendering Titanic

    NameAgeHometownBoardedDestinationLifeboatBody Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton29St Prizefighter, Missouri, USSouthamptonSt Louis2Allison, Mr. Hudson Creighton30Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada135MBMr. George Swane[75]19294MBand cook, Fail to keep Amelia Regular "Mildred" Brown[75]18London, England, UKSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada11Allison, Mrs. Bessie Waldo (née Daniels)25Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canadaand maiden, Miss Wife Daniels33Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada8Allison, Slay Helen Loraine2Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, CanadaAllison, Master Naturalist Trevor11 mo.Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada11and look after, Miss Spite Catherine Cleaver22London, England, UK Anderson, Mr. Harry47New Dynasty CityNew Dynasty City3 Andrews, Miss Kornelia Theodosia62Hudson, Unusual York, USCherbourgHudson, New Royalty, US10 Andrews, Mr. Thomas[76]39Belfast, Ireland, UKBelfastNew York CityAppleton, Mrs. City Lane (née Lamson)53New Royalty CitySouthamptonNew Royalty City

    Click on your Titanic passenger’s name below to read their story, and then explore the lives of other passengers on the ship. Use the links on the left to see what happened to passengers in the other classes.

    Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen, Age 29

    Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen was born in St. Louis, Missouri on October 1, 1882. She was the daughter of George W. Allen, a St. Louis judge, and Lydia McMillan.

    Elisabeth was engaged in 1912 to a British physician, Dr. James B. Mennell. She was going home to St. Louis to collect her belongings in preparation for moving to England to live with her future husband. She was traveling with her aunt, Mrs. Elisabeth Walton Robert, and her cousin, fifteen-year-old Georgette Alexandra Madill. Georgette was the daughter of Mrs. Robert from a former marriage.

    Elisabeth, Mrs. Robert, Georgette, and Mrs. Robert’s maid, Emilie Kreuchen, all boarded the Titanicin Southampton as first class passengers.

    Survived:Elisabeth escaped with her relatives (aunt Elisabeth Walton Roberts and cousin Georgette Alexandra Madill) in Lifeboat 2, one of the last boats to leave the Titanic, under the command of Fourth Officer Joseph G. Boxhall. After the sinking, Elisabeth filed a $2,427.80 claim against the White Star Line for the loss of personal prope
  • lucile polk carter biography sample