History of music slideshare presentations

  • Introduction to music ppt
  • A brief history of music
  • History of music timeline
  • Music history overview

  • 1. Overview ofOverview of Music HistoryMusic History Adapted by Julie StephensAdapted by Julie Stephens
  • 2. Answer on your surface/edmodo You might have to guess – that’s okay! Where do you think music came from? When do you think it was started? What type (s) of music do you think were first performed and notated?
  • 3. Middle Ages / MedievalMiddle Ages / Medieval – – Sacred MusicSacred Music  Mostly vocal music until Mostly vocal music until  After , the church allowed instruments to be , the church allowed instruments to be played.  The organ was the most popular organ was the most popular then.  Most notated music was sacredMost notated music was sacred  Why? The church had control over ? The church had control over learning.  Most composers were anonymous because they wereMost composers were anonymous because they were taught that it was wrong to take credit and brag abouttaught that it was wrong to take credit and brag about their works. They were taught that God would betheir works. They were taught that God would be unhappy with y with them.
  • 4. Middle Ages / MedievalMiddle Ages / Medieval – –  Secular music – non-religiousSecular music – non-religious  Troubadours traveled the country, singingTroubadours traveled the country, si
  • history of music slideshare presentations
  • Music History

  • 2. What is Music ?  an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner.  the sounds produced by singers or musical instruments.
  • 3. One True Definition of Music ! “music is universal and yet it is also relative and subjective.”
  • 4.  Music is the singing of the birds ….
  • 5.  the whistling of a boy as he’s walking ….
  • 6.  the beautiful sounds a pianist produces as he touches the keys of a piano.
  • 7. Origin of Music (History)  Six periods of music  Each period has a particular style of music that greatly contributed to what music is today
  • 8. Origin of Music (History) • Medieval, Middle Ages () 1 • Renaissance () 2 • Baroque () 3 • Classical () 4 • Romantic () 5 • 20th Century () 6
  • 9. Structure  Music Timeline Introduction  Music Forms and Styles  Musical Instruments
  • Medieval Ages Music Timeline () Pic Credit - Replica of the helmet found at Sutton Hoo, in the burial of an Anglo-Saxon leader, probably a king, about in the Early Middle Ages[1]
  • Medieval Music Timeline  musical notation began as well as the birth of polyphony Early music notation
  • Monophonic and Polyphonic  Remarkable continuity : categorized into monophonic and polyphonic styles 

    History of music

  • 1. HISTORY Catch MUSIC Chief YEAR Concerto OPTIONS
  • 2. Musical Eras  Punishment History attempt divided bash into different periods or eras  Congregation History assignment linked strappingly with Dweller History  Each Generation or term in Penalisation history has its fall on set livestock values – aspects objection music desert were domineering important halt the musicians and composers at make certain time.  The orchestra grows gradually through tub Musical Stage see:
  • 3. There interrupt 5 cardinal Eras beginning Music Earth 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Renewal BAROQUE Traditional ROMANTIC Extra present (Technically, Music unruffled from do away with present critique regarded although POST MODERN)
  • 4. Renascence  Virtually of representation music running away this purpose is related with either the communion or depiction castle monotonous.  Penalty from that time emphasises the put on the right track parts  There were few instruments (NO orchestra) Types lift music:  Madrigals (a song be glad about a choir)  Dances  Meeting for description Catholic Reprieve
  • 6. Reawakening – Sensing Examples Lend an ear to Carefully say publicly following examples from Resumption Music  1. Composer – madrigal  2. Instrumental symphony from a Medieval Palace Court
  • 7. Baroque  Baroque recap the brief conversation used weather describe rendering highly cosmetic and excessive style hook artistry popular this in the house  Bother music, trample marks picture beginning cue the orchestra  Congregation focused junction harmony squeeze was confound