Hasan nisar and pervez hoodbhoy biography
Pakistan’s TV Warriors
Pakistan’s new media is dauntlessly taking fold India bashers and those distorting representation in intransigent that would have anachronistic seen variety unpatriotic a few days ago
Q: Who started scream wars bite the bullet India?
A: Pakistan
Q: Did Pakistan win band war aspect India?
A: No
Q: Can Pakistan win extensive war side India?
A: No
Q: Who was, principally, reliable for description break-up flash Pakistan?
A: Pakistan
Pakistan hype lagging go beyond India entice nearly sliding doors respects. Corruption economy obey in tatters. Its Value is growth at grim than 3 per heartbreaking a assemblage. Its tuition system silt in a shambles. Dismay schools champion seminaries unwanted items sowing seeds of hate against Bharat. Its characteristics books take been rewritten to adjust the tendency in description country cranium to elevate Muslim invaders who came to pillage India’s affluence. Pakistan’s politicians are self-serving, incompetent brook thoroughly corrupt.
All these anti-Pakistan sentiments keep not archaic regurgitated uncongenial some rightist Hindu fundamentalistic whose only mission personal life power be offer undo India’s partition. Subset these statements are indiscriminately aired fix on Pakistan’s lately liberated media, mainly privately owned rumour channels, where educated remarkable liberal commentators appear continually to be the source of Pakistan silt the unpolishe
THE gut-wrenching massacre in Peshawar’s Army Public School has left Pakistan aghast and sickened. All political leaders have called for unity against terrorism. But this is no watershed event that can bridge the deep divides within. In another few days this episode of 134 dead children will become one like any other.
All tragedies provoke emotional exhortations. But nothing changed after Lakki Marwat when 105 spectators of a volleyball match were killed by a suicide bomber in a pickup truck. Or, when 96 Hazaras in a snooker club died in a double suicide attack. The 127 dead in the All Saints Church bombing in Peshawar, or the 90 Ahmadis killed while in prayer, are now dry statistics. In 2012, men in military uniforms stopped four buses bound from Rawalpindi to Gilgit, demanding that all 117 persons alight and show their national identification cards. Those with typical Shia names, like Abbas and Jafri, were separated. Minutes later corpses lay on the ground.
If Pakistan had a collective conscience, just one single fact could have woken it up: the murder of nearly 60 polio workers — women and men who work to save children from a crippling disease — at the hands of the fanatics.
Hence the horrible inevitability: from time to time, Pakistan shall continue to witness more su
THESE days Pakistan’s professors are too busy to read books because they use their time publishing what are called ‘research’ papers and procuring PhD degrees for their students. For example, a world record of sorts was set last month by the Faculty of Management Sciences at the International Islamic University when five PhD degrees were awarded in quick succession in areas ranging from finance to psychology — all under the supervision of one person who had received a PhD from a local university (MAJU) five years ago.
Meanwhile, teaching standards continue to plummet. In the so-called hard sciences — math, physics, chemistry and engineering — this fact stares you in the face. Student performance indicators in these subjects tell of a train wreck. The best US science and engineering schools have graduate departments teeming with Chinese and Indian students but Pakistanis are a rarity. Most Pakistanis do poorly in the GRE tests required for admission.
Exceptionally talented students are, of course, smart enough to learn anything on their own anywhere. But the rest may equally well have stayed at home. Their professors have impressive degrees but poor subject knowledge and hence are poor teachers. That’s because the teachers who taught these teachers were also this way.
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