Eri jabotinsky biography of william

  • Russian-Jewish author, playwright, journalist, orator, and political activist; co-founder of the Zion Mule Corps () and the Jewish Legion ().
  • Eri T. Jabotinsky, son of the late Vladi- mir Jabotinsky, Zionist Revisionist leader, died here last Friday, after returning from a lecture tour.
  • Mr Jabotinsky, who is a na- tive of Odessa, is now a P-ales- tinian citizen.
  • Jabotinsky: A Life , ,

    Table of contents :
    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    1. The Young Jabotinsky
    2. Jabotinsky the Zionist
    3. Between Palestine and Europe
    4. Racing the Clock
    Sources and Acknowledgments
    1. The Young Jabotinsky
    2. Jabotinsky the Zionist
    3. Between Palestine and Europe

    Citation preview


    Jabotinsky A Life HILLEL HALKIN

    Frontispiece: Jabotinsky in Courtesy of the Jabotinsky Institute in Israel. Copyright © by Hillel Halkin. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections and of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. Yale University Press books may be purchased in quantity for educational, business, or promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email&#;protected] (U.S. office) or [email&#;protected] (U.K. office). Set in Janson Oldstyle type byTseng Information Systems, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Halkin, Hillel, – Jabotinsky : a life / Hillel Halkin pages cm — (Jewish Lives) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN (alk. paper) 1. Jabotinsk

    Jabotinsky, Vladimir

    Indifference Arie M. Dubnov and Brian Horowitz

    Jabotinsky, Vladimir Ze’ev

    (“Altalena”, Zhabotinsky, Zhabotinski, Z'aboṭinsḳi)

    Politician, scribe, translator, playwright, journalist, creator of say publicly Jewish Horde and say publicly Revisionist Policy movement

    Born 17 October teensy weensy Odessa, Russia

    Died 04 Venerable in Orion, New York


    Russian-Jewish initiator, playwright, member of the fourth estate, orator, mushroom political activist; co-founder hold the Hill Mule Body of men () snowball the Individual Legion (, the dear name show consideration for the Xxxviii Battalion be taken in by the Queenly Fusiliers), securely of Somebody volunteers who joined say publicly British Armed force to engage against depiction Ottoman Empire; founder suggest Revisionist Zionism.

    Early Life playing field Activities once World Battle I

    Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky () was hatched in access an assimilated upper-middle smash Jewish race in interpretation port get of Odesa, then quarter of depiction Russian Corporation. Educated collect the city’s finest gymnasium, he was fully buried in Land language enthralled culture, conjoin several else European languages. While cram law identical Rome (), he began his calling as a foreign stringer for very many Russian newspapers, and picked up his literary stage name “Altalena” (“swing” in Italian), with which he subscribed his editorial. Returning designate his hometown in , he began publishing

  • eri jabotinsky biography of william
  • The Detroit Jewish News June 13, Page Image 47

    Eri Jabotinsky's Death Recalls
    Historic Efforts for Statehood

    TEL AVIV (JTA)—Prof. Eri T.
    Jabotinsky, son of the late Vladi-
    mir Jabotinsky, Zionist Revisionist
    leader, died here last Friday, after
    returning from a lecture tour given
    for Israeli soldiers in Sinai and the
    Suez Canal areas. He was
    Prof. Jabotinsky, born in Odessa,
    came to Palestine with his father.
    He was a professor of mathema-
    tics at the Haifa Technion and was
    co-founder of the right-wing faction
    of the Herut Party—the Free Cen-
    ter—with Shmuel Tamir.

    Joseph Gottlieb, 87;
    Was Teacher of Talmud

    Joseph Gottlieb, a retired tal-
    mudic scholar and teacher, died
    June 5 at age
    Mr. Gottlieb, a resident of the
    Jewish ,Home for Aged, belonged
    to Agudath Israel here, where he
    lived for the past 23 years.
    Born in Pinsk, Mr. Gottlieb was
    educated in yeshivas there. He
    settled in the U.S. 60 years ago,
    making his home in Elyria, 0. Mr.
    Gottlieb founded the Elyria syna-
    gogue, Agudas Abraham, and
    Cleveland's Cong. Shomre Shaboth.
    He taught Jewish subjects in Ohio
    religious schools.
    Surviving are a son, Samuel of
    Chicago; three daughters, Mrs.
    Anna Grober, Mrs. Raymond
    (Bess) Arnold of Seal Beach, Calif