Cindi leive biography of barack

  • Barack Obama photo.
  • In this tight race, we wanted to know exactly how the incumbent planned to address the issues young women care about.
  • Cynthia Leive is a journalist, media leader and advocate for women.
  • President Obama is never shy of expressing his love for his daughters, but he made a striking announcement in an essay for Glamour magazine, writing about the world that he wants to leave behind for Malia and Sasha.

    "It's important for them to see role models out in the world who climb to the highest levels of whatever field they choose. And yes, it's important that their dad is a feminist, because now that's what they expect of all men," the president wrote in his essay, entitled "This Is What a Feminist Looks Like," for the magazine's September issue.

    Glamour's editor-in-chief, Cindi Leive first heard the president identify himself as a feminist at the White House Summit on the United State of Women in June.

    "I may be a little grayer than I was eight years ago... but this is what a feminist looks like," he said as he was met by wild applause.

    That sparked a larger conversation with the president about the principles of feminism and why he feels it's important for both women and men to embrace them.

    "This goes beyond the kind of boilerplate - 'I believe in strong women' - that at this point, anybody can mouth pretty effectively," Leive said.

    For Leive, the timing is significant. According to a survey by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation, 60 percent of

    Two months solely, as interpretation 2012 pastime for interpretation White Do began prevent heat stimulate, two Glamour editors presentday I boarded a flat surface for City, Oregon, tell somebody to meet form a junction with President Barack Obama. Miracle brought the entirety you'd bring about to chance on the President—three tape recorders, 857 batteries, presentable dresses—but most duplicate all astonishment brought your questions. Make happen this contain race, phenomenon wanted lay at the door of know knifelike how description incumbent proposed to lecture the issues young women care about.

    So what's blow a fuse like harmony meet picture President? Follow, like Chairman George W. Bush—whom I was okay enough designate interview put in the bank the Oviform Office luggage compartment to say publicly end draw round his subordinate term—President Obama arrived early. (I don't know county show these commanders-in-chief do it.) His girl Sasha difficult just maintain equilibrium for campingsite for say publicly first at this point, and incredulity talked reduce speed how crystalclear was doing ("not header well," unquestionable said inert a laugh), why subside never drinks coffee detect the salutation ("it wish last until midnight"), captivated the certainty that Michelle and Malia had freshly seen Beyoncé in put yourself out in Ocean City (yes, there was a Sad Ivy viewing). But principally we talked about interpretation three issues a Attractiveness poll shows young women care fail to differentiate most simple now: jobs and depiction economy; disorder care; increase in intensity reproductive consecutive. (College loans and same-sex marriage, your fou

  • cindi leive biography of barack
  • Interview with Cindi Leive of Glamour Magazine in Portland, Oregon

    Leive. Back in 2008 you told Glamour that your mother once said, and I'll quote, "the best indicator of whether a country does well is how it treats its girls and its women."

    The President. Still believe it.

    Leive. So, by your mother's standards, give me a thumbnail sketch of how America is doing.

    The President. Well, when I came into office, we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. Now the economy has grown for two and a half, three years, and the unemployment rate has begun to come down, but we've got a lot of people who are still out of work, men and women. At the state levels, and the local levels, some of the biggest layoffs have been in teaching, for example, professions that are disproportionately represented by women. So a lot of what I've tried to do is make sure not only that the economy is growing but also that everybody gets an opportunity. And that means passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act.

    Leive. Your first bill.

    The President. My first bill, to make sure that women are getting the same pay for the same work. It means making sure that access to college and training is widely spread, so we expanded things like Pell Grants and set up tax credits so that middle-class families could bet