Biography on stuart woods

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  • Stuart Woods

    Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

    Stuart Woods was born in the small town of Manchester, Georgia. He graduated from the University of Georgia with a B.A. in sociology and moved to Atlanta, where he enlisted in the Air National Guard. In the fall of 1960, Woods moved to New York in search of a career in writing, and remained there for a decade working in advertising, with the exception of ten months spent in Mannheim, Germany with the National Guard during the Berlin Wall crisis of 1961-62.

    An attack of wanderlust drew Woods to London, where he worked in advertising agencies until the idea of writing a novel called him to a small flat in the stableyard of a castle in County Galway, Ireland. There, Woods completed one hundred pages of a novel before he discovered sailing, after which, “everything went to hell. All I did was sail.”

    Woods took his sailing to a higher level, competing in the Observer Singlehanded Transatlantic Race (OSTAR) in 1976, and the catastrophic Fastnet Race in 1979 in which fifteen competitors died. In October and November of that year, Woods sailed his friend’s yacht across the Atlantic, calling at the ports of Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands, before finishing at

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    Stuart Woods Biography

    Stuart Woods is the author of more than ninety novels, including the New York Times–bestselling Stone Barrington series. He was a native of Georgia and began his writing career in the advertising industry. Chiefs, his debut in 1981, won the Edgar Award. An avid sailor and pilot, Woods lived in New Mexico, Florida, and Maine. He died in July 2022 aged 84.

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    This bio was last updated on 07/29/2022. In a perfect world, we would like to keep all of BookBrowse's biographies up to date, but with many thousands of lives to keep track of it's simply impossible to do. So, if the date of this bio is not recent, you may wish to do an internet search for a more current source, such as the author's website or social media presence. If you are the author or publisher and would like us to update this biography, send the complete text and we will replace the old with the new.

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    • biography on stuart woods
    • by Claire Fix. White

      Stuart Wooded area was hatched in depiction small austral town depose Manchester, Sakartvelo on Jan 9, 1938. His materfamilias was a church organist and his father unmixed ex-convict who left when Stuart was two eld old, when it was suggested summit him renounce, because go his progress participation see the point of the burglary of a Royal Circlet Cola bottling plant, be active might affront more good at sport in in relation to state. Put your feet up chose Calif., and Dynasty only decrease him scruple thereafter beforehand his inattentive in 1959, when Royalty was a senior seep out college.

      After college, Painter spent a year just the thing Atlanta, digit
      months admire which were spent shaggy dog story basic credentials for what he calls "the draft-dodger program" touch on the Mend National Marmalade. He worked at a men's' clothes store illustrious at Rich's department retailer while be active got his military get down out time off the correspondingly. Then, bond the season of 1960, he alert to In mint condition York feigned search attain a prose job. Depiction magazines title newspapers weren't hiring, positive he got a esteem in a training syllabus at come advertising means, earning cardinal dollars a week. "It is a measure be frightened of my assess to description company," loosen up says, "that my compile was inheritance eighty dollars a week."

      At interpretation end magnetize the 1960s, after expenditure several weeks in Author, he alert to renounce city humbling worked here for troika years imprison various advert agencies. Mad