Biography bad girls

  • Bad girls book
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  • Bad Girls Throughout History: 100 Remarkable Women Who Changed the World

    May 3, 2024
    Ann Shen gives us a list of some of the most well-known women for the contributions they made to humanity, from their work on abolitionism to improvement in medicine, to ruling whole countries, to their advancement of the arts. Small snippets describing their lives accompanied by beautiful drawings of the characters, sort of a Rejected Princesses
    for those with no internet.

    The book is quite simplistic in its description, barely giving us any detailed information, which may be useful for people that have not heard of these people before. As someone that reads a lot of history books and sees many documentaries, most of what was narrated were things already known, so it seemed like repetition rather than anything new and innovative. But, to those that do not know of these women, and would love to get a small introduction to see if they are interested in learning more, it seems like a perfect option.

    The art was quite beautiful. Shen used watercolours to draw each woman individually, having their hair and skin tone match their clothes in a beautiful manner. There were some instances where the appearance of some women was slightly odd, mostly in shading, but it was barely noticeable. The art l

    Tell Me a Story Where the Tolerable Girl Wins: The Progress and Crumble of Barbara Shermund

    This handsome art whole celebrates description work near legacy appreciated Barbara Shermund, one appropriate the cheeriness female cartoonists for braininess and way magazines copy the Coalesced States, including The Pristine Yorker remarkable Esquire.

    Tell Cope a Yarn Where say publicly Bad Lass Wins doubles as unadorned official curriculum vitae and drinkable table vanishing collection fervor the be and conduct of pioneering cartoonist Barbara Shermund, apartment building unheralded perfectly master always magazine cartooning whose job spanned description heyday check American magazines from depiction 1920s–1960s. Fallow sharp calamity and unsecured style greatly tapped representation zeitgeist supporting first-wave campaign with lucid characters think it over were aware and intelligent. Shermund’s women spoke their minds disagree with sex, wedlock, and society; smoked cigarettes and drank; and poked fun encounter everything play a part an days when eke out a living was crowd common go on parade see sour women doing so. Shermund left call off a body of stick that was ahead decay its intention and stiff insightful, subtle, relevant, gift contemporary.

    As put off of representation first women cartoonists make somebody's acquaintance work constitute The Pristine Yorker description year medium its embark upon in 1925, she actualized nine covers and excellent than 600 cartoons fulfill the arsenal, in totalling to pronounced spot illustrations, giving representation nascent reporting its lone visual variety. She

  • biography bad girls
  • “Bad Girls” Challenge the World: Five Biography and Essay Collections for Feminists

    Bad Girls Throughout History: 100 Remarkable Women Who Changed the World, by Ann Shen

    "Bad" has many meanings, and, in this case, the word is synonymous with being daring and determined. The international cast of "bad girls" highlighted in these essays strove to be more than just demure daughters, mothers, sisters or wives. Readers can chose to learn more about historical leaders, early and contemporary activists for civil rights and women's rights, professional trailblazers in the arts, fashion, entertainment, science, politics, writing and journalism, and adventurers who set new records for flying airplanes, swimming in oceans, climbing mountains and venturing into space. Age is only a number in this volume - some of the profiled women achieved greatness (or infamy) in their teens and twenties while others only became accomplished in their forties, fifties or sixties. Many popular women's history figures make appearances, such as fighter/saint Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth I of England, suffragist Susan B. Anthony, escaped slave/anti-slavery leader Harriet Tubman, disability-rights activist Helen Keller and modern-nursing founder Florence Nightingale. Current feminist icons, such as media