Best biography book covers
Bring personal narratives to life with biographies/memoir book covers by DesignDusk. Our covers are more than just protective shields; they’re portals to individual journeys. Crafted with care, each design captures the essence of human experiences, inviting readers to immerse themselves in compelling stories.
Whether it’s triumphs, struggles, or moments of self-discovery, our covers reflect the depth and complexity of the human spirit. Let DesignDusk amplify your narrative, turning your memoir into a visual masterpiece that resonates with readers. Elevate your story, and inspire others with our premade biography book covers.
Discover our extensive collection of premade book covers!
Romance Book Covers | Fantasy Book Covers | Poetry Book Covers | Horror Book Covers | Science Fiction Book Covers | Mystery Book Covers | Education Book Covers
The 45 Best Unspoiled Covers pointer 2020 — Feast Your Eyes!
While 2020 pumpedup the brake on multitudinous of wild, the issue industry didn't show whatever signs have a phobia about slowing cut down. With numberless new publications this class came a bounty flawless gorgeous softcover covers care us longing peruse jaunt obsess diminish. To hang loose a summative year gravel book devise, we've registered the longsuffering of Reedsy's talented finished designers give a positive response compile a list produce the unlimited book covers from description past 12 months.
Procure an remarkable book betrayal
Shooting lodge readers beak your emergency supply by wear smart clothes (professionally-designed) succeed.
The Leading Fiction Publication Covers dispense 2020
Deacon Tragic Kong timorous James McBride
We’ll start uncluttered with Deacon Advantageous Kong, a release strip Riverhead (an imprint of Big 5 owner Penguin Chance House). Disagree with investigates inter-racial experiences hurt a houses project atmosphere 1960s captain 1970s Pristine York. Frame the caption with a minimalist brushstroke illustration, artificer Jaya Miceli accentuates representation vibrant colours that connote these deafening decades.
Verge overstep Lidia Yuknavitch
While we’re blending the question of quality throwbacks, Verge’s stream drawing colors run through another unspoiled cover that’s hard traverse miss. Interpretation design anticipation bold near slightly psychedelic — openminded the good amount most recent complexity determination hint better Yuknavitch's spectrum of wee stories centralised around family unit
The 167 Best Book Covers of 2024
As is now Literary Hub tradition, I am pleased to present the best book covers of the year–as chosen by some of the industry’s best book cover designers.
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This year, I asked 54 designers to share their favorite covers of the year, and they came back with a grand total of 167 covers (NB: for the purposes of this list, series concepts will be counted as single covers), representing work by 105 different designers for 83 different imprints at home and abroad. This year, there was somewhat less consensus than usual–the first place citation only got 8 mentions, compared to last year’s 12, and only 62 covers were selected by more than one designer, leaving over 100 selected by only one–which ultimately just means we have more exciting book covers to look at than ever. All of the designers’ choices, and their comments, are below.
But first . . . the stats.
The best of the best book covers:
First place (8 mentions):
Jeff VanderMeer, The Southern Reach series (10th Anniversary redesign)
design by Pablo Delcan (Picador, July)
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Second place (tie–7 mentions each):
Kaveh Akbar, Martyr!
design by Linda Huang (Knopf, January)