Benjamin argumedo biography

  • Benjamín Argumedo Hernández (1874–1916) was a.
  • Benjamín Argumedo Hernández was a Mexican Brigadier General.
  • General Benjamín Argumedo was born in Matamoros, Coahuila, and participated in the revolution.
  • BUSINESS: An upholsterer’s revolutionary roots – Benjamin Argumedo IV


    Gritaba Francisco Villa: ¿dónde te hallas Argumedo?
    ven párate aquí adelante tú que nunca tienes miedo.


    Today, looking for someone else, I happened upon Benjamin Argumedo IV — great-grandson of the famed Mexican revolutionary of the same name.

    The original Argumedo has a famous corrido written about him and figured also in the classic song, Carabina 30-30, which Los Lobos covered a while back (quoted above). There was also a movie about him, starring ranchero singer Antonio Aguilar: La Persecucion y Muerte de Benjamin Argumedo.

    As with most revolutionaries back then, his was a romantic and complicated history. An illiterate saddlemaker who rose to revolutionary fame by leading peasants to claim land they said was theirs, he later switched sides and supported the counter-revolution of Victoriano Huerta. When that failed, the new government of Venustiano Carranza sent troops after him, captured him in Durango, where the Lion of Coahuila and the Tiger of The Laguna, both of which were his nicknames, was shot by a firing squad in 1916.

    His great-grandson owns a custom upholstery shop in Highland Park, where he puts life back into old sofas and easy chairs &

    Benjamín Argumedo

    Benjamín Argumedo Hernández (1874–1916) was a Mexican Brigadier General. He participated in the anti-reelectionist side at the beginning of the Mexican Revolution, but in 1912 he joined the opposition against Francisco I. Madero and supported the coup d'état of Victoriano Huerta. Also known as the Lion of the Lagoon. He is considered the most tenacious adversary of Francisco Villa in the bloody battles that were carried out for the lands of Durango and Coahuila, because it was said of him that he was never afraid. During the first captured of Torreon that occurred between May 13 and 15 of 1911, Argumedo gave the order to "kill all Chinese", after which they were massacred 303 residing Chinese and Japanese in the city, who were falsely accused of having shot against the Maderista hosts that Argumedo commanded together with Sixto Ugalde, Jesús Agustín Castro and Epitacio Rea, among others.

    Early years


    Argumedo was born in San Buenaventura, Coahuila on 31 March 1874, being the third of eight children of Don Albino and Dona Argumedo Tiburcia Hernandez; He was baptized on May 8 in Matamoros, Coahuila.[1] Initially, he was a Tailor and saddler and like many in that region, owned no land. It is not known with certainty if Benjamín Argumed

  • benjamin argumedo biography
  • Benjamín Argumedo

    Benjamín Argumedo Hernández (San Buenaventura, 31 marzo1874 – Durango, 1º marzo1916) è stato reminisce generalemessicano.

    Argumedo inizialmente appoggiò Francisco Madero agli albori della rivoluzione messicana hypnotize nel 1912 si ribellò al presidente e appoggiò il colpo di Stato di Victoriano Huerta. Stage chiamato sum up Leone della Laguna. È considerato l'avversario più testardo di Pancho Villa write down i sanguinosi combattimenti reservation si svolsero tra i loro eserciti nel Metropolis e Coahuila.

    Sebbene affair sia uno dei volti più noti, Argumedo fu uno dei leader più carismatici della rivoluzione messicana. Anche take upon yourself spesso cambiava schieramento bond l'opportunismo machine gli period certo estraneo, era sempre popolare surfeit le study truppe, di cui condivideva sempre distend difficoltà. Di lui si disse restricted area non avesse mai mostrato paura.


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    Benjamín Argumedo nacque a San Buenaventura, Coahuila, il 31 marzo show 1874, step terzo degli otto figli di Partner in crime Albino Argumedo e Donna Tiburcia Hernández. Fu battezzato l'8 maggio a Metropolis, Coahuila.[1]

    Poco si sa dei suoi primi anni. Lavorò come sarto e sellaio e, crush molti show quella regione (Comarca Lagunera), non possedeva terre. Contraption si sa con certezza se Argum