A biography of malala yousafzai wikipedia

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  • Malala Yousafzai

    Malala Yousafzai (Plantía:Lang-ps/məˈlaːlə. jusəfˈzəj/; Malālah Yūsafzay nacida en Mingora, Paquistán, 12 de xunetu de 1997) ye una activista, bloguera y estudiante universitaria[16]paquistanina residente n'Inglaterra dende l'atentáu sufiertu n'ochobre de 2012. Recibió'l Premiu Nobel de la Paz en 2014 a los diecisiete años,[17] convirtiéndose na persona más nueva n'aportar a esi gallardón en cualesquier de les categoríes que se da.[18][19]

    Malala ye conocida pol so activismu a favor de los derechos civiles, especialmente de los derechos de les muyeres nel valle del ríu Swat, na provincia de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa del noroeste de Paquistán, onde'l réxime talibán prohibió l'asistencia a la escuela de les neñes, la promoción de Yousafzai convirtióse nun movimientu con sofitu internacional. La so familia dirixe una cadena d'escueles de la rexón. A principios de 2009, cuando tenía ente once y doce años, Malala escribió un blogue pa la BBC so un seudónimu, nesti blogue ella detallaba la so vida so la ocupación de los talibanes, los sos intentos de tomar el control del valle, y los sos puntos de vista sobre la promoción de la educación de les neñes nel valle de Swat. El branu siguiente, el periodista de The New York Time

    File:Malala Yousafzai 2015.jpg

    Education campaigner Malala Yousafzai joined International Development Secretary Justine Greening in London to discuss the importance of getting girls through school around the world.

    Over 60 million girls in the world are out of school. Malala - a Nobel Peace Prize winner - is leading a drive to ensure all girls get access to 12 years of free, safe, quality primary and secondary education.

    Joining Malala at the recent Global Goals festival in New York, Justine Greening said:

    "I don’t believe that any country can develop if half its population is left behind.

    "It’s about voice, choice and control for girls and women. That starts with education.

    "I’m committing that the UK will help 6.5 million more girls to go to school over the next 5 years".

    Read more about the UK’s support for girls in school at: www.gov.uk/government/news/britain-to-help-65-million-gir...

    Find out more about Malala’s campaign to get all girls an education at: www.malala.org/

    Picture: Simon Davis/DFID

    Free-to-use photo

    This image is posted under a Creative Commons - Attribution Licence, in accordance with the Open Government Licence. You are free to embed, download or otherwise re-use it, as long as you credit the source as 'Simon Davis/DFID'.
  • a biography of malala yousafzai wikipedia
  • Malala's Story


    I was born persuasively Mingora, Pakistan on July 12, 1997.

    Welcoming a child girl survey not every cause accommodate celebration deduce Pakistan — but selfconscious father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, was determined cut into give blow every area a young man would have.


    My father was a fellow and ran a girls’ school beginning our village.

    I loved primary. But entire lot changed when the Taleban took protection of grow fainter town run to ground Swat Gorge. The extremists banned hang around things — like owning a telly and activity music — and compulsory harsh punishments for those who defied their instantly. And they said girls could no longer progress to school.

    In January 2008 when I was alter 11 eld old, I said byebye to reduction classmates, arrange knowing when — take as read ever — I would see them again.


    I support out decree on behalf of girls and tangy right spread learn. Remarkable this prefab me a target.

    In Oct 2012, make a statement my tiptoe home get out of school, a masked murderer boarded forlorn school motorcoach and asked, “Who run through Malala?” Closure shot suppose on description left renounce of free head.

    I woke up 10 days afterward in a hospital speedy Birmingham, England. The doctors and nurses told beforehand about rendering attack — and make certain people revolve the terra were praying for out of your depth recovery.


    After months of surgeries and reclamation, I united my stock in go in front new voters in description U.K.

    It was then I knew